Monday, October 1, 2007

Irrational Fear #13,462

In about 11 hours I have to get on a Southwest Airlines direct flight to Las Vegas and I'm not looking forward to it. Oh don't get me wrong Vegas is swell and it should be an entertaining seminar/convention for work that I am going to, but I really don't like to fly.

I don't know when this started, but I feel vaguely akin to Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men." Actually a lot like him.

Kaffee: I get sick when I fly because I'm afraid of crashing into a large mountain, I don't think Dramamine'll help.

I don't know why or how, but I just do not like it at all! Typically I am good somewhere about 5 minutes after takeoff, approximately when the ding and the seat belts sign go off, until about the point where they start making the perpare the cabin for crash landing...err...approach and landing messages come on. That is of course unless it is in the rain or wind and turbulence, then I white knuckle the arm rest.

Making matters worse, I am flying at noon and have to meet some work folks in the late afternoon so drinks are out pre-flight. Oh and my security blanket travel partner, Jennifer isn't their either.

Guess I better go to and make sure I have a Last Will and Testament.

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