I like to hang out with out technology people at work. I know, they are all Trekies and Star Wars freaks and nerds, well so am I, I suppose. Except the Trekie thing anyways.
So last week I was upstairs chatting them up and I saw some of their toys. When you sit around
writing code all day, you really need an occasional distraction. I understand that. Among the toys were Rubik's Cubes, Nerf Basketball, these cool magnetic connector toys and a game of Connect Four.

Connect Four, for the uninformed is a 30-year old game with the concept of tic-tac-toe but with way more possibilities.
While I chatting, one of the other developers challenged one of his compatriots to a game and everyone sort of cringed and someone said. "oooo, you are challenging, Obi Wan?"
Of course my response was, "Obi Wan? Of What?..." Well Connect Four of course. Apparently this young man has won so much Connect four he has reached legendary status.
So I couldn't let that go. After he got done with his friend I joined in the fun. He immediately pounded me twice.
Those of you that know me, know two things about me. 1. I am competitive as heck. 2. I don't like losing much. I guess those are one in the same, but losing twice at Connect Four when I couldn't imagine going in that I would have had that much trouble sort of woke me up. In game 3 I finally paid attention, worked through possibilities in my brain and won the third game.
This did not go over well with Obi Wan, much like the Darth Vader, Obi Wan confrontation in Star Wars didn't go well. My competitor mumbled under his breathe and sulked back to his desk. Needless to say I celebrated and bolted the department before hazed into a rematch where Obi Wan could come back from the dead.
I am now Darth Vader to his Obi Wan. Stand in amazement at my Connect Four superiority!
1 comment:
With goals like that you could be headed straight to the top.......of Something!
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