So here is my edition of My favorite things...some of them I have, some of them I want, but all of them, in my eyes are super cool.
I'll start with something that anyone can have, well provided you have an internet connection, and considering you are reading this, I would assume there is a check mark in that column.
First on my list is this web-page: MIT Open Course Ware. What is it you may ask? Well, consider yourself however many years ago that it was that you attempted to gain entry into the college or university of your choice...You there with me yet? Or did you kill those brain cells during said college or university years. Anyways, if you were anything like me, there were some schools you could get into (Georgia and many other fine public Universities) and some that I couldn't (well I didn't try, but I would put Harvard, MIT, Princeton etc. on that list).
Now, through the miracle of A. the internet and B. a huge wave of shared knowledge and broad based collaboration (i.e. Wikipedia,.......) You can do the reading, see the lectures, take the exams of any of the courses at MIT. For some of you, this may seem odd. Afterall, why would one want to take college classes when:
A. Your parents aren't making you.
B. You already have the sheepskin.
C. You already have a job.
Yeah, I wonder myself, but I have found myself in the last couple years trying to learn more and more. Maybe it started with graduate school at the University of Phoenix brick and mortar campus in Indianapolis for my MBA, or maybe it was the discovery that my PR degree from Georgia with a business minor wasn't terribly relevant in my current gig. I don't know but I dig this site. Check it out, peek around, maybe you will find something you like and take on the challenge.

Of course some good things have a down side and this one is that with an aquarium this size (about 9 gallons I beleive) it is very hard to keep the water balanced for the little fishies. We lost a couple early on. a couple more later on, we will soon attempt round 3. 8-) Here is Jennifer's take on the death of one of our favorites.
Next on the list is a simple t-shirt. It is barely imaginative, given that it is stealing the well

Yes, we are America's Team and yes we have five Super Bowl Rings. And yes, I can call us, us, I've been a fan that long. 8-).
Number 4 is a thing that I actually purchased last year, despite the ridiculous price tag, well for what it is, which is a 2 6-packs of Jones Soda.
Anyone who has had Jones, knows that it is first of all wonderful, but also typically has two identifying factors from many other Sodas, fruit drinks, etc. First and foremost they have interesting pictures that are contributed by their many drinkers across the country. Second they have a saying under the cap that is usually fun or inspirational.
At the link above you can actually turn in your own photo and have it put on a bottle for your personal enjoyment. I did this last year with the photo below of Jennifer and I. It was supposed to be for Valentine's Day, but first off it was late (the first shipment broke in transit, I assume a occupational hazard). Second off all I am a moron so I put Happy Anniversary. Anyways, fun all-around.
And finally, here is the long awaited Number 5 on my current list of my favorite things....my wife Jennifer! Here is a scene of her adorable little behind at the end of a long day of tailgating and football at my alma-mater University of Georgia last year. God love her, she had the jersey, the hat, the I'm Georgia towel and a smile.
Thanks, sweetie!
I think there are a couple of other teams that "Got Five" And, 1 of them has not lost Super Bowls, or even A Super Bowl to be exact.
But, the 49ers are not quite as cocky as "your" Cowboys!! WE, yes because I, like you, have been a fan for as long as I can remember, are humble, and we will be going for 6 of 6 very soon!!
Nice Blog by the way!!
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