Saturday, September 29, 2007

Finger Foods and beverages

Jen and I have the pleasure of going to a wedding tonight...oh wait, we aren't going to a wedding, we are only going to the reception. Now before you start getting judgemental about how we are crashing someone's wedding reception to get finger foods and a couple drinks, we know these people and they asked us to.

How great is that. They had a personal family only small wedding service this morning at the Botanical Gardens in Indy. Tonight they invited everyone to get their party on in celebration. Perfect!

We get the finger foods and the drinks and we don't have to suffer through a bad rendition of the Wedding Song or Butterfly Kisses. Someone please slap my hand for that one.

Anyways, I feel a bit like Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn tonight! Loving every minute of it though.

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