So I am back...
So what has gone on in the last couple months.
I went to San Antonio for a conference. I think it was my first time there. We lived in Texas when I was little (maybe 1-2 years old) but obviously didn't remember it.

So anyways, I will close with a funny story from Jenn's travels with Good News TV about the Alamo. (Jenn - No corrections on facts, I am paraphrasing and generalizing for time and convenience) Jenn used to travel 100 days a year with Good News and many of the crew members were high school and college interns and summer help. On a trip to San Antonio, they stayed in a hotel right downtown near the Alamo. They left the hotel for dinner on the first night and walked outside. Immediately outside the lobby, they realized they were right next door to the Alamo. The immediate reaction of one future brain surgeon, "Why did they put it so close to downtown." Wow, I'll be here all week, try the steak and don't forget to tip your wait staff, they work hard for you.
There is much more to talk about from the last 2 months, but for now, goodnight Internet.